Supercharge Your Cells, Enhance Your Sexual Vitality and Increase Your Intuitive Awareness With this Ancient Chinese Superherb
Discover One of the Most Revered Adaptogenic Herbs of All Time: He Shou Wu

For thousands of years, He Shou Wu (also known as Fo-Ti) has been one of the most popular and highly revered tonic herbs in Asian herbalism—and with good reason. It has an incredible spectrum of benefits (outlined below) that work to bring the body, mind and spirit into greater harmony, balance and health on almost every level.
He Shou Wu originally gained popularity in ancient China when Daoists who regularly consumed the plant experienced miraculous bodily rejuvenation—everything from extreme longevity to restoring youthful strength and vitality to regrowing hair and increasing libido and sexual potency, among many other things. As the word spread, He Shou Wu quickly became a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine, earning it a place as one of the top 50 ‘superior class’ tonic herbs of all time.
Ancient Herb for Modern Times: Researchers Confirm the Health Benefits of He Shou Wu
Over the millennia, interest in He Shou Wu’s borderline-miraculous healing properties has continued to grow, with modern researchers taking a major interest in the plant. A number of studies on humans and animals conducted at major universities around the world have confirmed many of the plant’s abilities to positively affect health on a number of levels, from protection of cellular DNA to supplying the body with essential nutrients for blood, immunity, brain and sexual health to increasing antioxidant activity and more.

The Health Benefits of He Shou Wu*
With positive effects on nearly every system in the body, He Shou Wu is one of the most beneficial herbs for the human mind, body and spirit. Here are some of the plants most prized benefits:

Anti-Aging &
Longevity Tonic
Many scientific studies into the properties and composition of He Shou Wu have confirmed that it does indeed contain and stimulate the body to produce many longevity-promoting substances like stilbene glycosides and superoxide dismutase, which are some of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body. Superoxide Dismutase has been shown to protect the body from and even reverse many of the effects of aging and increase lifespan in animals and mammals. [3-11]. He Shou Wu also inhibits the MAO-B enzyme, which has been linked to life-extending and health-enhancing effects as well. [11]
Increases Intuition and Spiritual Awareness
He Shou Wu benefits and stimulates intuitive abilities in those who use it consistently, opening us to our deeper spiritual nature and awareness. Users of He Shou Wu often notice a distinct increase in creativity, inspiration, and intuitive guidance, making it an important herb for artists, meditators, or anyone seeking to expand their experience of reality in profound ways.
In the Traditional Chinese Medicine system, He Shou Wu is classified as a Shen and Yin tonic. Shen translates to “spirit” and anything with Yin properties, which correlates to the feminine element/energy, promotes receptivity. Therefore, we have an herb that makes us “receptive to spirit,” which the more sensitive among us will definitely notice after consuming He Shou Wu for any length of time.

Libidio Booster:
Increases Sexual Vitality
He Shou Wu has been used for thousands of years as a powerful sexual tonic and libido booster for both men and women. It is rich in Zinc, which is an essential mineral that is important for sexual and reproductive functions and it is said in Chinese Medicine philosophy to replenish and increase Jing energy, which is depleted during sexual intercourse and as we get older. He Shou Wu also stimulates the kidneys to replenish yin fluids according to Chinese Medicine philosophy, which means that it works to restore adrenal gland function and stimulate hormone production, both critical for libido and sexual health.
Protects Cellular DNA
He Shou Wu stimulates the production of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), the most powerful antioxidant in the human body, which works to protect to cellular DNA from oxidative damage, which is widely believed to be one of the primary causes of aging. SOD also protects cells from inflammation and can help to reduce pain. [1-2,7]

Reverses Signs of Aging Like Gray Hair, Hair Loss and Reduced Libido
One of the most sought after and interesting effects of He Shou Wu is its ability to restore color to greying hair and in some cases, even reverse hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. A number of studies [18,19] on rats and dermal hair cells have shown that He Shou Wu does promote hair growth and the herb has successfully been used for this purpose for thousands of years, with many people reporting these effects across the world. In fact, the herb was actually named for this property: He Shou Wu translates to Mr. He’s Black Hair in english.
May Protect the Brain
and Nervous System
Multiple studies in rats, humans and cells have shown that He Shou Wu may be helpful in protecting the brain from age-related cognitive decline like Parkinsons [14,15] and Alzheimers [12,13]. Although more research is needed, initial studies have shown positive results due to He Shou Wu’s high level of Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside, a powerful cellular antioxidant [16,17]

Mood Enhancement
He Shou Wu can increase dopamine levels in the brain and body at least in part due to the fact that it is an MAO-B inhibitor. The primary benefit of MAO-B inhibition is an up-regulation and increase of dopamine, which declines with age and is vital for mood, growth hormone release, sexual function, and coordination. After the age of 45 or 50, MAO-B activity increases significantly in the tissues of the brain. In one animal study, an MAO-B inhibition effect of over 80% was noted, suggesting that this is one of he shou wu’s important anti-aging and mood boosting effects.
MAO is essentially an enzyme that breaks down dopamine. In humans, having low levels of MAO-B has been associated with an increased susceptibility to mental imbalance and mental distress which is believed to be in part due to its effects on dopamine.
Builds and Purifies
the Blood
He Shou Wu is rich in naturally occurring Iron, which is a key blood building nutrient critical for hemoglobin production in red blood cells. Herbalists have long used He Shou Wu to rejuvenate, purify and build the blood. He Shou Wu is also a rich source of lecithin which is an important raw material used in the construction of red blood cell and other cell membranes. The chemical Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside, which naturally occurs in He Shou Wu, has been shown to prevent abnormal blood clotting and studies on rats have shown that it strengthens cardiovascular help and promotes healthy bloodflow.

Enhances Immunity
He Shou Wu contains multiple compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and it also contains the beneficial saccharides rhamnose, arabinose, xylose and glucose and anthraquinone glycosides which are known improve immune response and overall immune system function.
He Shou Wu also boosts the immune system by increasing the production of T and B cells, and improving the activities of the immune cells, as well as increasing the secretion of the inflammatory tumor necrosis factor. The herb also increases the activity of natural killer (NK) cells. [20-22]
Promotes Deep Organic Energy: Helps the Body Recover and Rejuvenate From Stress, Exhaustion and Burnout
All of the above properties and compounds of He Shou Wu combine to make it a deeply rejuvenating herb that restores energy levels over time and helps the body to recover from the effects of chronic stress and fatigue. In Ancient and modern day China, this is still one of the primary uses of He Shou Wu—as a deeply restorative Jing, Qi and Kidney Yin tonic, which acupuncturists believe are some of the most fundamental and important health-boosting energies in the body. He Shou Wu is regularly included in many herbal formulas that work to repair the body and mind from chronic stress and burnout.

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Ready to Give Your Health a Boost?
Try He Shou Wu Today.
Packaged in a resealable, environmentally friendly Miron glass jar for ease of use and maximum freshness.

The Sun Potion
Difference: Highest
Quality and Potency
Sun Potion offers an ultra-high-quality, deliciously rich and flavorful, high-potency 10:1 He Shou Wu extract powder, wildcrafted in the “Di Tao” (authentic source) region of central China and traditionally prepared in a black bean stew according to Daoist guidelines.

Miron Glass Jar For Freshness & Potency
Sun Potion’s He Shou Wu is highly medicinal and comes packaged in beautiful deep-violet Miron glass jars which are designed to preserve the energetic integrity and potency of the herbs. Long a favorite of Alchemists and master herbalists, Miron glass is widely regarded as the best possible packaging for maintaining the freshness, quality and strength of herbal medicines.

Beyond Organic— Sustainably Wildrcrafted in it’s Native Habitat
Sun Potion’s He Shou Wu is highly medicinal and comes packaged in beautiful deep-violet Miron glass jars which are designed to preserve the energetic integrity and potency of the herbs. Long a favorite of Alchemists and master herbalists, Miron glass is widely regarded as the best possible packaging for maintaining the freshness, quality and strength of herbal medicines.

The Importance of Properly Prepared
He Shou Wu
He Shou Wu is considered to be extremely safe and suitable for long term and daily use as long as it prepared properly according to Daoist tradition.
The tuber of He Shou Wu must be gently stewed in black bean soup in order to be used as a regularly-consumed tonic herb. It is then dried and low-temperature ground into a powder for easy daily consumption. Sun Potion He Shou Wu is prepared according to this method.
Ready to Give Your Health a Boost?
Try He Shou Wu Today.
Packaged in a resealable, environmentally friendly Miron glass jar for ease of use and maximum freshness.
Supplement Facts & Serving Suggestions
Wildcrafted He Shou Wu Powder
Serving Size:
1/2 teaspoon (55 servings)
Net Weight:
How to Use:
Mix 2 grams or more in water, tea, smoothies or soups. An excellent addition to milk potions, elixirs, smoothies, raw chocolate, busy schedules and more!
* All of the statements on this page have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.